Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Looking at Art in NYC (Scandulous Style)

"Grey Line with Lavender and Yellow"
by Geordia O'Keeffe
a) This artwork piece by Geordia O'Keeffe I found at the Metropolitan Museum in its Modern Section. This piece hanged on a column facinf inward in a single room surrounded by other Modern arts, not necessarily all abstract or realistic art, but art done within the past century or so.

b) The interesting thing about this piece  that drew my attention was how "stuck in the gutter" my head was when I found this piece. My suspicions about this piece were confirmed when I went to read the info card beside the art describing it. It reminds me of something I can't actually put on this rated PG-13 blog, but if you look at this piece long enough you might understand why. The simplicity and symmetrical nature of the peiece also mesmerized and stole away my attention.

c) Well aside from what I have stateed in my first two points, I know that this piece was made in 1923. It was made out of oil and created on a canvas. The artist Geordia, was an American who was born in 1887 and died in 1986. She is also known for making abstact artworks based on nature.

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