Thursday, September 11, 2014

First Time Be Gentle

Hey what's up people David here with the very first post of this blog! This blog is gonna be the very best blog out there, the best there ever was. We're gonna have only the best posts about the best and trendy things out there in the world. Even now in this post there is a trendy topic to discuss. That is of course blogs. But on a serious level you will follow this blog right after reading this post.
Ok okay but on a super serious level I guess I should do the assignment. I am in a graphic design class and this is what that blog is for. I'm quirky and outgoing, proud and independent, wise and arrogant. What I am saying is I'm human. I'm not a robot. But I am also not the ONE. See what I just did there? That's right I also have super powers but not like god-like super powers. Anyway I promise I won't make any more movie references.


  1. Great, Neo, I mean David. Like where this blog is headed and I'll be sure to check back in.
