Monday, October 20, 2014

GD Concept Board - Suprematism

I am interested in Suprematism because it follows my simple desire and also because I wanted to delve more into the pre World War I in Russia outside of the formal aspects.
Suprematism occurs at a time I am very familiar with: early 1900s Russia. During that time Russia was involved with WWI. The country was in turmoil. Poverty struck many families during that time. Tsar Nicholas II was also quite an incompetent ruler and the Bolshevik Revolution was about to hit. With my prior knowledge of historical context I feel that I would understand this movement compared to other movements. Suprematism is a “non-objective style of art [and] simplification of form and use of geometry influenced” (design history). Squares and circles are the most common shapes used in suprematism. Kazimir Malevich is stated as the leader of the movement (design history). According to design history, “It was [primarily] developed in the field of painting although its practice extended to poetry and theater. It also revitalized an interest in traditional Russian folk art” (design history).

            Suprematism impacted Graphic Design today because it inspired change from the old to the new. As oppose to more conservative ways, old traditions, suprematism has simplified the more complicated matters. Use of geometric shapes and simplicity contrasts with the more traditional art works of the time. So in a sense, suprematism has affected graphic design by allowing new works to be simpler instead of complicated.

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