Thursday, October 2, 2014

Inspiration / Interests

SO, if you're really observant and have scoured my last few posts for details about me, then you would find that I really like movies. I'm not a big movie buff, but I think I see plenty movies every month more so than the average person (in the 1980's that is). Anyway I mention this because a movie that I have seen that changed my way of thinking and inspires me is the The Matrix. It is like one of my favorite movies. Last year in English class I learned about existentialism and dystopian societies. Although the movie doesn't appear to push on existentialist ideas, I managed to think about them. The movie asks what it means to be obscured in "fake" satisfaction or harsh "reality". Also the themes of control and fate are present in the movie. These connect to existentialism because existentialism questions why our purpose is in life and what we live for. Do we live to only drown ourselves in happiness? Do we seek to benefit society? Or our we just some lesser beings that should devout ourselves to religion and spreading it? I believe my existence is not something bound by these other purposes in life. My choices and freedoms are my own. I rather focus on the other things in life.
"East River and 2014 Summer Sky from Manhattan Bridge while Bike Riding"
I took this picture during the last few days of summer and I keep it as a reminder to enjoy life and to not be bard down by the oppressiveness of our harsh realities.

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