Sunday, March 15, 2015

  • Look through and pick 5 book covers that catch your eye- save the photos on to your desktop.
  • Post the photos of the 5 cover designs and write what you like about each one. Try to be specific.
  • Do you see the design concepts and components like Typography, Images/Graphics, Proximity, Alignment within the work? 
  • Think about why you were drawn to this book cover. What made you take a closer look? 
  • With the 5 you chose, what are some common characteristics between them? What are the differences?
The thing about this poster is that the dog on it reminds me of Spike from Tom and Jerry.  The mirror effect here makes the design sort of intimidating and eerie, like how a pitbull would appear to timid people. The upside down text here matches with the reflection with the dog adding more to the appeal of the cover. It's as if it were trying to combine topdog and underdog like the sides of a coin.

This one I found interesting because of the person shown here makes me think of James Bond because he looks like he has a gun and plus, he's pretty suave. Definitely, very eye catching and reminiscent to the 90s. 
The separation of the shapes make it look like a one-eyed, yellow lipped monster.

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