Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Club Logo Club Interview - Ultimate Frisbee

So before I start working on creating a logo for the ultimate frisbee club, I had to get an idea for how it should be. To begin, I asked one of the members of the team about the club. Although I am a member of the team, I only joined recently within the last three months and having a perspective from a person who has been in the club longer would definitely provide a better understanding of the club. I asked one of the team captain, Nicole.

According to her, the main purpose of the club was teach more people about the world of ultimate frisbee. This is because ultimate is not as popular of a sport as baseball or football and those who cannot or do not want to play the more popular sports could try frisbee as an alternative and learn how competitive and fun it is to other sports. Although it is a sport, the club has a friendly environment from both Millennium High School and Millennium Brooklyn High School. Members collaborate and bond with others as a team. Getting to the practices is probably the most tedious obstacle because Millennium High School and Millennium Brooklyn are located in two different boroughs making a meetup at Prospect Park somewhat unreliable if the weather is extreme. Nicole says that five words that best describe the club would be life, new, stress relieving, talent, and especially fun. Five images that she says best symbolize the team are layouts, frisbees, teamwork, strategizing, and frisbee tricks.
The club originally started out as a small team of people composed of ultimate players and expanded throughout the years as more people wanted to learn and play frisbee. The key principles the club practices are communication and hard work. These key ideas allowed the team to grow and become better managing to win 2nd place last year in the b-league (open division). And whther or not the team wins or loses it is more important that we did it as a team. We will overcome defeat and achieve our goal as one. We are also developing our team this year by trying to go to state tournaments.

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