Monday, December 8, 2014

Background Image
Starting - Before

Final - After 
For my portrait transformation project I initially started out with a different picture of a person with a hat in a souvenir shop transforming the background into a fashion show, but I later changed my idea because the image I had before was more complex to transform and too pixelated. Changing my concept I think it worked out better because the ideas fit well together. This time I wanted to communicate the idea of fantasy and imagination. The costume design in the picture was for a scene in Shakespeare's Macbeth in Act 1 Scene 3 for the 2nd Witch of the Weird Sisters. It was very successful to me because Photoshop allowed me to easily change the hue, brightness, contrast, saturation, and filter the picture. In the process of transforming the picture selecting the certain parts I wanted to delete was tedious but manageable. If the lasso tool and magic wand tool weren't so strict in what could be selected this would have been a breeze to do.

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