Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Good Logos

Create a blog post about your favorite logo(s).  Name one brand/logo that you own and enjoy and explain why you think the logo is well designed. Then chose one logo that you are not familiar with from the best logo design links I have below (the first two).  Chose one that you think is well designed and explain why. 

One brand that I own and enjoy is the Pepsi Cola brand because it is both simplistic and identifiable. The logo on the soda is a circle with red white and blue inside of it. The red portion is on top while a white curved line goes through the middle separating the red from the blue portion on the bottom of the circle. When I drink Pepsi I feel a refreshing sensation, but when I look at the logo I feel even more rejuvenated. The colors might seem patriotic but I don't get that feeling. Simpleness and the few colors used help make the logo stand out making it a good logo.

One logo I am not familiar with but is very popular that I have found is the Sop Wise logo. I think that this is a very good logo because it stands out and is very intriguing. I cannot recall a logo I have seen before that had a  bag-faced disembodied head with an outstanding mustache such as this one. The opaque glasses also emphasize the concept of choosing a good choice in shopping at Shop Wise.


  1. Little did David know that Pepsi is a successful logo cause it's colors are American :]

  2. I agree with you that the Pepsi Logo is successful but not as successful as Coca Cola
