Monday, December 22, 2014

Finding Type

You must identify which category the type is under.
Where and what was the type used for?
Do you find the typeface to be appropriate for its purpose?
 1) Modern
2) It was used in a park as a sign to indicate to people that shoes need to be worn while in the park.
3) I find it appropriate because it seems very serious.

 1) It doesn't seem to fit any other than Decorative
2) It was used to "catch" buyers (pun intended) with the sleek design
3) I find it very appropriate because the snack is suppose to be friendly and expresses playfulness with its font

 1) Modern, Sans Serif
2) It was used to make people feel at ease around the neighborhood
3) It seemed appropriate because the multiple types of fonts help keep a welcoming presence

 1) Sans Seriff
2) It was used to envoke assurance and radical feelings
3) I don't think it was approprriate because it comes off trying to be too hip

 1) Definitely Sans Serif, trust me
2) It was used to assert seriousness and order to tell people to not do something
3) I think it's okay but the sign doesn't seem very convincign

1) Modern
2) It was used to show that the orange juice was truthful in its design
3) I don't think this typefont is appropriate because it seems unappealing and bland

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Club Logo Club Interview - Ultimate Frisbee

So before I start working on creating a logo for the ultimate frisbee club, I had to get an idea for how it should be. To begin, I asked one of the members of the team about the club. Although I am a member of the team, I only joined recently within the last three months and having a perspective from a person who has been in the club longer would definitely provide a better understanding of the club. I asked one of the team captain, Nicole.

According to her, the main purpose of the club was teach more people about the world of ultimate frisbee. This is because ultimate is not as popular of a sport as baseball or football and those who cannot or do not want to play the more popular sports could try frisbee as an alternative and learn how competitive and fun it is to other sports. Although it is a sport, the club has a friendly environment from both Millennium High School and Millennium Brooklyn High School. Members collaborate and bond with others as a team. Getting to the practices is probably the most tedious obstacle because Millennium High School and Millennium Brooklyn are located in two different boroughs making a meetup at Prospect Park somewhat unreliable if the weather is extreme. Nicole says that five words that best describe the club would be life, new, stress relieving, talent, and especially fun. Five images that she says best symbolize the team are layouts, frisbees, teamwork, strategizing, and frisbee tricks.
The club originally started out as a small team of people composed of ultimate players and expanded throughout the years as more people wanted to learn and play frisbee. The key principles the club practices are communication and hard work. These key ideas allowed the team to grow and become better managing to win 2nd place last year in the b-league (open division). And whther or not the team wins or loses it is more important that we did it as a team. We will overcome defeat and achieve our goal as one. We are also developing our team this year by trying to go to state tournaments.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Good Logos

Create a blog post about your favorite logo(s).  Name one brand/logo that you own and enjoy and explain why you think the logo is well designed. Then chose one logo that you are not familiar with from the best logo design links I have below (the first two).  Chose one that you think is well designed and explain why. 

One brand that I own and enjoy is the Pepsi Cola brand because it is both simplistic and identifiable. The logo on the soda is a circle with red white and blue inside of it. The red portion is on top while a white curved line goes through the middle separating the red from the blue portion on the bottom of the circle. When I drink Pepsi I feel a refreshing sensation, but when I look at the logo I feel even more rejuvenated. The colors might seem patriotic but I don't get that feeling. Simpleness and the few colors used help make the logo stand out making it a good logo.

One logo I am not familiar with but is very popular that I have found is the Sop Wise logo. I think that this is a very good logo because it stands out and is very intriguing. I cannot recall a logo I have seen before that had a  bag-faced disembodied head with an outstanding mustache such as this one. The opaque glasses also emphasize the concept of choosing a good choice in shopping at Shop Wise.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Background Image
Starting - Before

Final - After 
For my portrait transformation project I initially started out with a different picture of a person with a hat in a souvenir shop transforming the background into a fashion show, but I later changed my idea because the image I had before was more complex to transform and too pixelated. Changing my concept I think it worked out better because the ideas fit well together. This time I wanted to communicate the idea of fantasy and imagination. The costume design in the picture was for a scene in Shakespeare's Macbeth in Act 1 Scene 3 for the 2nd Witch of the Weird Sisters. It was very successful to me because Photoshop allowed me to easily change the hue, brightness, contrast, saturation, and filter the picture. In the process of transforming the picture selecting the certain parts I wanted to delete was tedious but manageable. If the lasso tool and magic wand tool weren't so strict in what could be selected this would have been a breeze to do.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Shape to Symbol GIF

                 So, finally here is my completed gif. I will not tell you what it is because that is also apart of the project, so instead figure it out for yourself. This was made in Photoshop specifically using CS6. It is a professional tool with this project being my first project created on this program. I really enjoyed using it a lot, much better than MS Paint. It wasn't without its hardships though.
One of the most frustrating aspects of the program (aside from working with a slow mouse w/o admin powers) was constantly having to switch between the different tools manually. Granted I could have looked it up but hindsight is a thing. None of the tools seem to complicated for me to use. In having prior knowledge of working with MS Paint I knew some of the basics with Photoshop. The mini-lessons in class definitely aided me in learning all the different tools. The selection tools were the most useful set of tools for me because the tools allowed me to microscopically edit my design and fix my unintended marks.
                 Now completing the project the tool that I feel the most confident in using is undo tool. No, its actually the selection tool because I understand what it does and how to apply it. It allows me to work in desired areas without affecting other portions of my design.
The tool that I have gotten better at using is the eyedropper tool because it only does one thing and does that one thing well. This does not include its subsection of eyedropper tools but the main one that selects a color when pointing at a pixel of one color. Simple, effective, incredibly useful. No more having to save paints over night so that you don't have to mix paints just to produce the same colors amiright?
                 The next thing that I would want to create using Photoshop is a short video almost vine-like video of me and my friends doing things. I guess just vines in general but substituting Photoshop for my other programs to edit videos. I would incorporate the most obscure details in my videos and see if people could understand my allusions.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Create Your Own GIF

"Can't Stop the Fun Train"


I couldn't decide between one, so I put up both. I tried to have my brother recreate his initial excitement when we were walking home and he had received a very rare prize from his Iphone app. Not quite the same, but still gets the job done I guess.

Monday, October 20, 2014

GD Concept Board - Suprematism

I am interested in Suprematism because it follows my simple desire and also because I wanted to delve more into the pre World War I in Russia outside of the formal aspects.
Suprematism occurs at a time I am very familiar with: early 1900s Russia. During that time Russia was involved with WWI. The country was in turmoil. Poverty struck many families during that time. Tsar Nicholas II was also quite an incompetent ruler and the Bolshevik Revolution was about to hit. With my prior knowledge of historical context I feel that I would understand this movement compared to other movements. Suprematism is a “non-objective style of art [and] simplification of form and use of geometry influenced” (design history). Squares and circles are the most common shapes used in suprematism. Kazimir Malevich is stated as the leader of the movement (design history). According to design history, “It was [primarily] developed in the field of painting although its practice extended to poetry and theater. It also revitalized an interest in traditional Russian folk art” (design history).

            Suprematism impacted Graphic Design today because it inspired change from the old to the new. As oppose to more conservative ways, old traditions, suprematism has simplified the more complicated matters. Use of geometric shapes and simplicity contrasts with the more traditional art works of the time. So in a sense, suprematism has affected graphic design by allowing new works to be simpler instead of complicated.

Reference Links:

Monday, October 6, 2014

Example of Good Graphic Design

This is an example of good graphic design found in my house as a calender picture I see everyday. It is good because every time I look at it I get an urge to eat some sea food and good cuisine.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Inspiration / Interests

SO, if you're really observant and have scoured my last few posts for details about me, then you would find that I really like movies. I'm not a big movie buff, but I think I see plenty movies every month more so than the average person (in the 1980's that is). Anyway I mention this because a movie that I have seen that changed my way of thinking and inspires me is the The Matrix. It is like one of my favorite movies. Last year in English class I learned about existentialism and dystopian societies. Although the movie doesn't appear to push on existentialist ideas, I managed to think about them. The movie asks what it means to be obscured in "fake" satisfaction or harsh "reality". Also the themes of control and fate are present in the movie. These connect to existentialism because existentialism questions why our purpose is in life and what we live for. Do we live to only drown ourselves in happiness? Do we seek to benefit society? Or our we just some lesser beings that should devout ourselves to religion and spreading it? I believe my existence is not something bound by these other purposes in life. My choices and freedoms are my own. I rather focus on the other things in life.
"East River and 2014 Summer Sky from Manhattan Bridge while Bike Riding"
I took this picture during the last few days of summer and I keep it as a reminder to enjoy life and to not be bard down by the oppressiveness of our harsh realities.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Letter Project Reflection

1) For the letter project, the process of creating it was very fun for me. The creative range I had was really useful for me to brainstorm many ideas as to what I would design after choosing my letter. Although I wished I had been a little more restricted on myself because too many options led me to be unsatisfied with having multiple ideas that I could not fit into a 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper.

2) Arriving at a concept for my letter was a bit tricky. I was not quite sure what I wanted to represent in my letter. After burning my brain out I thought the best concept I could choose had to be something I could do simply without making my design complex. So I chose ominous and obscurity because then I would not need to be overly complicated in design. I visually represented this in my design by having my letter appealing like an oddly shaped person, but upon further inspection is missing more detailed features that "normal" person. This is truly unsettling. The background, which is also not finished at this time, is not any identifiable setting, creating an eerie atmosphere.
3) The most challenging aspect of this project was finding a way to show my concept and letter without being very obvious. It seems I like it could be more concealed and discreet. It was difficult trying to keep the letter in tact while sketching a semi-realistic stick body.

4) Still not finished but so far I could say I am not satisfied. The background I desired was suppose to be more rainbow-like. The body I should have used references like Slender Man. I also wanted a purply shadow like effect surrounding the body.

5) If I could change my design, the thing I would do differently besides what I have mentioned above would be to be to make it hyper realistic because it would bring in the uncanny valley characteristic that I wanted.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

First Time Be Gentle

Hey what's up people David here with the very first post of this blog! This blog is gonna be the very best blog out there, the best there ever was. We're gonna have only the best posts about the best and trendy things out there in the world. Even now in this post there is a trendy topic to discuss. That is of course blogs. But on a serious level you will follow this blog right after reading this post.
Ok okay but on a super serious level I guess I should do the assignment. I am in a graphic design class and this is what that blog is for. I'm quirky and outgoing, proud and independent, wise and arrogant. What I am saying is I'm human. I'm not a robot. But I am also not the ONE. See what I just did there? That's right I also have super powers but not like god-like super powers. Anyway I promise I won't make any more movie references.